Category: Blog

  • When Food You Love Doesn’t Like You



    Before my doctoral program – which required me to narrow down to a specialty (sugar addiction) – I had studied food intolerances. Many books on the subject start with food reactions, then move into chemicals in our homes and offices, gasoline fumes, and more. Important as those things are, they’re not about nutrition..My interest in…

  • Survival Tips – The Best Emergency Food Kit



    Who knows what the future holds? If only we knew, day to day, what challenges would arise, we would never be caught unawares. Unfortunately, life just doesn’t work that way. Those who prefer to look forward and make preparations for the “just in case” scenarios are often painted as fringe lunatics and doomsday peppers. However,…

  • Seven Secrets to Choosing a Safe, Healthy Pet Food



    Do you choose canned food or dry food? What brand? There are so many different brands, all shapes and sizes of pet food to choose from and pet owners are provided with very little information to base your decisions on (other than advertising) – it can get so confusing! Well, buckle your seatbelt depending on…

  • Comfort Food Addiction and Stress Link



    Comfort food addiction is described with these characteristics. Food products that have a high level of sugar, fat and salt and other chemicals that have been process together to enhances and amplify flavors will above normal food levels. Once the bodies chemistry has changed which affects emotional and mental association to eating comfort food and…

  • A Case for Whole Food Supplements



    The Standard American Diet (SAD) is lacking in many vital nutritional components. Being largely composed of prepackaged, convenience foods with few naturally grown food products; this diet has contributed to an epidemic of not only obesity but also extreme nutritional deficiency. While many commercially available vitamin and mineral supplements exist, they are manufactured in an…

  • Investment Politics the Economy and Social Security



    Who wants to be a president; the President of the United States? Social Security reform is the winning ticket. Research supports the thesis that Social Security reform would provide all the lubrication necessary to get our economic ball bearings rolling in the right direction. Economies do not grow, or increase employment, when job providers are…

  • The Bad Economy and “Rogue Contractors”



    With the economy in the dumper and new commercial construction virtually non-existent a good many subcontractors and construction laborers are likely to consider becoming residential renovation contractors. Historically a large percentage of residential renovation contractors are unqualified, inexperienced and underfunded even in a good market. In the arena of new construction (especially commercial) many states…

  • Building Believable Economic and Political Systems



    One of the first things to keep in mind is that an economic system is not a money system. A money system is part of the economic system, but economy is so much more. Convert now  An economy is about how the resources of a world are exploited and how the wealth created by that…

  • Guild Wars 2: The In-Game Economy and Leveling Up



    When it comes to the game economy in Guild Wars 2, there are 2 main currencies in use: the primary being coins which is made up of gold and its different units while guilds make use of influence. Influence is used for buying upgrades and what not for guilds and is a necessity for joining…

  • Personal Interest and Politics



    Suppose if we live in the time of Smith, in the middle of the 18th century, when people began to study political economy. Many discussions on the production and distribution put emphasis on social tasks. For traders said that should decide ‘right price’, to not require to take interest on loans and to perform various…